
This site is about writing the pages of our life with creativity and momentum, while knowing we are more powerful than fear.

It's a little about my pages.

It's mostly about yours.

First things first, what's here for you?

SheriJ.com is a place for new possibilities. We'll consider questions to inspire your personal insights and discoveries. There are no one size fits all answers and this site doesn't attempt to provide them. Here you'll find options, guidance, and support toward determining your own best approaches in three key areas.

Your Creativity

If you’re about to automatically count yourself out when I say “creative people”  — wait.

You may not think of yourself as creative, but you are. Creativity is not a mystical power bestowed on a chosen few. Tapping into our creativity to make things happen is something we all do. You'll find resources here to fuel your effectiveness with creativity every day.

Your Momentum

Your momentum is based on two things: consistent actions, and motivation to reach your goals.

You know the feeling of having a flow to your actions. The more progress you make, the more energized and focused you become. This kind of positive feedback loop propels you forward and it's what having momentum is all about. You'll find strategies here for sustaining your momentum and letting it energize your efforts.

Your Power over Fear

Fear-Less means fear is less than you.

I spell fear-less with a hyphen because every time you see that word, I want you to remember that fear is so much less powerful than you. It's no match for your tenacity, your internal alignment with who you're meant to be, or the strong emotions you feel when you imagine succeeding in your goals. You'll find tools here to use the "fear is less than you" mindset to transform the way you seize opportunities outside your comfort zone.

You Know You're Creative

You're an Artist

You have a gift for expression.

Maybe you show it through your stories or music. Maybe it comes across in your paintings or poetry. Maybe it's making jewelry or capturing photos.

Let's enable you to target your message effectively. We will take a right-brain view of the technical details. I want to help you understand what you need to know, quickly and easily. It's all about minimizing time spent figuring things out, and maximizing the time you spend creating.

There's Creativity in the Way You Give

The Art of Giving

You make direct contact with people, in a way that touches their lives.

Whether you help them feed their bodies, resolve their challenges, improve their fitness, or enhance their appearance, you have a unique way of making a difference.

You are creative.

Your work is providing on a personal level. Sharing about the benefits your work brings is where it all starts. I'll discuss strategies for communicating these benefits to people who want to hear about them.

Your Creativity is a Little Incognito

It's true...

Your artistry is making things happen.

Your business strategies are awe-inspiring. Your dynamic spreadsheets perform wonders. Your project plans are unparalleled. It's you they're thinking of when they say “Code is Poetry”.

You create initiatives and systems, out of data and details, all the time.

I see you Mr. or Ms. Awesome. This site is definitely for you. Productivity tips shared here are useful for where you are now and where you're going.

Secondly, who is Sheri J?


Writer · Speaker · Designer · Encourager

Sheri J – /shé-ree jā/ n.    1. a person who thrives on helping people succeed; 2. creative communicator; 3. solution seeker; 4. trusted teacher; 5. insatiable student; 6. Photoshop fanatic; 7. lover of language, lexicology, and alliteration (i.e. word nerd).

Photo of Sheri JThat's me. I'm Sheri J—a creative communicator, teacher, and firm believer in the power of personal growth. My heart is in helping individuals like you succeed by harnessing creativity, gaining momentum, and remembering that fear is no match for the power inside you.

For most of my working life, I've had amazing experiences teaching and facilitating training across various settings—from one-on-one interactions to classroom environments, as well as through writing and online design and development. From this diverse background, I bring all the tools drawn from these experiences to what I share with you.

Building on your existing journey, I'm here to provide you with tools and insights to elevate your progress. We'll explore how creativity isn't just about art—it's a tool for problem-solving, innovation, and personal expression. Together, we'll build momentum towards your goals, break down barriers and make progress feel like the natural course of you being you. Most importantly, I'll empower you to recognize your own strength, reminding you that you are more powerful than any fear that stands in your way.

I see you. You're already on your way—I'm here to ensure you have the resources and support needed to continue thriving. Let's explore new possibilities, unleash your potential, and navigate life's challenges with confidence. Connect with me to access resources and take your journey of personal growth to the next level!